Navigating the tightrope: having a good work-life balance in med school
Some of the most effective study techniques for medical students to ensure success throughout their academic journey.
Using Spaced Repetition to increase efficiency
Essential skills beyond the textbooks.
Explore why Anki is a game-changer for medical students and how it can significantly enhance the learning experience
Healthy eating is a critical component of success in medical school
The significance of sleep for medical students and provide tips for improving sleep quality during this challenging time
Importance of breaks during study sessions and provide tips for incorporating them into your daily routine
Pros and cons of studying from video lectures and in-person lectures
Why these two devices are an excellent choice for medical students
Why it is an essential tool for any medical student preparing for the USMLE.
How cultivating an optimistic mindset can transform your life.
How the decisions you make now can have lasting consequences on your career.
I share my experiences on how I manage my free time, sleep, and study while pursuing my passion for medicine
My experiences with implementing space repetition